Tiburon's first research series is its original wealth & investment management topical series. Over 375 topics are offered in this series. Tiburon's wealth & investment management topical series' signature summary research topic is its semi-annual Tiburon CEO Summit keynote presentation. Tiburon's The Future of Wealth & Investment Management: Defining the Winning Product, Channel, & Tactical Strategies, and Financial Advisor Business Winning Tactics & Strategies: A Comprehensive Review of Financial Advisor Winning Tactics & Strategies serve as alternative and/or more comprehensive views.
Tiburon CEO Summit XLVII Keynote Presentation
Tiburon's semi-annual Tiburon CEO Summit keynote presentation serves as its signature summary research topic of its wealth & investment management topical series. An executive summary of this research and Tiburon Webinar, is provided at the below link...
As a result of its primary role as Tiburon's managing partner's semi-annual keynote presentation, this research will be broad but will also be the more narrow of the summary topics offered on this page. Tiburon's managing partner determines a unique theme to represent semi-annual trends.
The Future of Wealth & Investment Management
Tiburon's The Future of Wealth & Investment Management research was developed by consolidating the highlights of the summary PowerPoint decks of the underlying research, analyzing cross-industry data, and developing broad industry predictions. An executive summary of this research and Tiburon Webinar is provided at the below link...
As a result of its writing process, this research will be comprehensive, because it gives equal weight to all wealth & investment management topics across products, channels, and tactical & strategic issues. It will focus on the industry broadly, giving all industry topics relatively equal weighting.
Wealth & Investment Management Topical Series Topics
Tiburon's remaining wealth & investment management series research is grouped into five broad categories in an effort to help Tiburon members navigate the choices. Key driving factors are topics outside of wealth & investment management that drive the industry. Products & services include all cash, capital markets, financial planning, managed accounts, managed funds, lending, & insurance products. Markets & distribution channels include all channels through which wealth & investment management services flow. Tactical & strategic issues are the issues faced by wealth & investment management firm CEOs that often exist across businesses.