Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech) Venture Capital:
Substantial WealthTech Opportunities But a Challenging Capital Raising Environment
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Date Published: July 31, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 347 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 2,060 Slides
The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of wealth & investment management (WealthTech) venture capital. This research addresses the number of investments and their amount. This research also addresses the trends across wealth & investment management (WealthTech) market segments, including within B2C WealthTech & B2B WealthTech. This research is part of Tiburon's broader coverage of wealth & investment management investment opportunities.
This research starts with a context setting chapter summarizing wealth & investment management's (WealthTech's) share of all venture capital, and then addresses the historical phases of wealth & investment management (WealthTech) venture capital, including:
- Early Phase
- Payments & Alternative Lending Phase
- InsurTech Phase
- WealthTech Phase
- Cryptocurrency (Digital Assets) Phase
This research summarizes wealth & investment management (WealthTech) venture capital's market growth, the leading investments, and the leading investors.
This research defines distinct industry market segments of broader financial services industry & FinTech venture capital, including:
- Banking & Payments
- Challenger Banks (Digital First Banks) (Neo Banks)
- Alternative Lending (Digital Lending)
- Payments
- Cryptocurrencies (Digital Assets) & Blockchain
- Insurance (InsurTech)
- Online Insurance Supermarkets
- Insurance Software & Data Analytics
- Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech)
- B2C WealthTech Models
- B2B WealthTech Models
- Other Financial Services Market Segments
- Capital Markets
- Private Markets Technology
- Investment Banking Technology
- Real Estate
- B2C Real Estate Technology
- Real Estate Data & Analytics Technology
- Regulatory Technology (RegTech) (AKA Compliance)
- Financial Advisor Compliance
- Enterprise Compliance
- Financial Management Solutions (SMB)
- Accounting
- Payroll
- Benefits
- Marketing & Lead Gen
This research outlines the stages of wealth & investment management (WealthTech) venture capital, including:
- Angel Financing & Seed Capital
- Early Stage Venture Capital
- Late Stage Venture Capital
And this research makes several future predictions for wealth & investment management (WealthTech) venture capital, including:
- Moderate Growth in Financial Services Industry & FinTech Venture Capital, with Substantial Opportunities in Cryptocurrencies (Digital Assets) & Blockchain, Private Markets Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Regulatory Technology (RegTech)
- Moderate Growth in Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech) Venture Capital
- Continual Dominance of B2C Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech) Venture Capital But with Fastest Growth in B2B Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech) Venture Capital
- Fastest Growth in Late Stage Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech) Venture Capital Due to Investing Rebound After Recent Market Softness
- Highest Valuations for B2C Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech) Firms that Dramatically Lower Cost to Acquire Clients (CAC) &/or Reinvent Legacy Business Operations (Loan Underwriting; Insurance Underwriting) and B2B Wealth & Investment Management (WealthTech) Firms that Generate Substantial Annual Revenues Per Client (ARPC) &/or Realize High Client Retention Rates
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