Recent Media Coverage

Tiburon executives have been quoted quite extensively throughout the industry and general media. Below is a list and brief synopsis of those articles that the Tiburon staff has been able to locate (Tiburon accepts that there are probably hundreds of other quotes circulating). These short summaries are intended to help prospective Tiburon members, conference planners, and media representatives understand Tiburon's views on a wide variety of issues throughout the financial services industry. The extensive list of Tiburon quotes has required the use of multiple website pages. Please click on the links below to view older article summaries.

Date Publication Article Title & Description
January 29, 2025 Think Advisor

Commonwealth in Talks to Sell Minority Stake
Commonwealth Financial Network is said to be pursuing a sale of a minority stake in the company. Article quotes Tiburon highlighting robust private equity interest that other independent broker/dealers have drawn in recent years and the lack of opportunities that exist at this scale.

January 29, 2025 RIA Biz

McKinsey suddenly puts its secretive $23-billion RIA under 'strategic review' with M&A shop; a spin-off or sale a possible outcome; it follows Nov. 30 London newspaper exposé
The New York super-consultancy retained Ardea Partners, a 2017 Goldman Sachs breakaway, to suss out its options for the in-house wealth manager and hedge fund company. Article quotes Tiburon highlighting MIO Partners' potential growth strategy and the impact of scale for investment opportunities in the booming private markets.

December 12, 2024 Think Advisor

Conference Certification Firm Choir to Shut Down at Year-End
Choir, a three-year-old firm promoting diversity in the financial services industry through a conference certification service, will close effective December 31. Article mentions unacceptable behavior by fireside chat participant at Tiburon CEO Summit XXXVII.

November 21, 2024 Think Advisor

Schwab Reviewing Advisor Network Referral Fees
Charles Schwab is reviewing advisor participation fees within the Schwab Advisor Network client referral program, a significant source of new business for some RIAs. Article quotes Tiburon highlighting the success of The Charles Schwab Corporation's referral program and the importance of custody referrals for independent advisors growth in assets under management.

November 8, 2024 RIA Biz

Fidelity Investments surges past $15 trillion, on its way to $16 trillion, after its CEO made one big, contrarian bet and two smaller plays that have the giant hopping
The Boston company grew $800 billion per quarter on average through nine months, and just keeps hiring to deepen relationships, with crypto and digital engagement giving it an edge. Article quotes Tiburon highlighting Fidelity Investments' strong headcount growth.

October 28, 2024 TheMutualFundWire.Com

Week in Preview
Today, the Tiburon Strategic Advisors team will kick off their Tiburon CEO Summit XLVII. The three-day conference will be held at the Four Seasons in San Francisco. Article mentions Tiburon's semi-annual Tiburon CEO Summit beginning in San Francisco, CA on October 28-30, 2024.

October 3, 2024 RIA Biz

Walter Bettinger joins Charles Schwab Corp. mass executive exodus, leaving a very complex CEO puzzle to solve for his young, ex-McKinsey successor
CEO grew the company by $8 trillion in assets to 'powerhouse' status amid significant accomplishments - sans RIA mention - but shares are sagging, and its bank remains a sore subject. Article quotes Tiburon highlighting Walt Bettinger's legacy and The Charles Schwab Corporation's dominance in fee-based financial advisor (RIA) custody.

October 2, 2024 ThinkAdvisor

LPL CEO's Firing Catches Some by Surprise
The firing by LPL Financial on Tuesday of its CEO, Dan Arnold, caught many industry watchers by surprise, with some calling the move unfortunate. Article quotes Tiburon highlighting the success that LPL Financial Holdings enjoyed under Dan Arnold's leadership.

July 12, 2024 Family Wealth Report

Industry Expects Envestnet Restructuring After Bain Purchase
Our US correspondent delves into the story behind Bain Capital's purchase of Envestnet this week, and considers what the future holds for the tech and platform firm. Article quotes Tiburon saying that private ownership should allow Envestnet to renew its focus on growth and better integrate its product offerings.

May 29, 2024 RIA Biz

Sleeping giant McKinsey & Co. hires Eric Clarke as it awakens to $9-trillion RIA business and plays catch-up
The New York City consulting giant quietly made the Orion founder and ex-CEO a McKinsey senior advisor two months after he stepped down last year. Article quotes Tiburon saying that the large consultancy firms traditionally lack the operating experience that Eric Clarke brings and that his role will involve wowing clients and coaching McKinsey team members.

May 16, 2024 RIA Biz

Bernie Clark, renowned in RIA circles, is the highest-profile executive to leave in a Schwab shake out of veteran talent, but only after his 'unmatched' feat -- adding nearly 9,000 RIAs and $4 trillion in assets to Schwab custody
The 14-year head of Schwab RIA custody kept both CEO Walter Bettinger and heads of 15,000 RIAs happy in an incredible juggling act of corporate and entrepreneurial goals. Article quotes Tiburon saying that Bernie Clark has established himself as maybe the most important person in the growth of the fee-based financial advisor (RIA) market.

May 8, 2024 Financial Advisor Magazine

5 Lessons From 150 WealthTech Podcasts
What's up with the latest dramatic changes in our industry? I'm referring to the flurry of senior-level comings and goings at fintech and wealth and asset management firms. Article quotes Tiburon CEO Summit XLVI Keynote Presentation highlighting that the wealth management indstry is not growing much if you take out the effects of the markets and mergers & acquisitions.

May 7, 2024 Family Wealth Report

RIA Blockbuster: Colony Merges With Buckingham
The combination of The Colony Group and Buckingham Strategic Wealth into a $115 billion behemoth with over 20,000 clients and more than 90 offices around the country may not technically be a mega-merger, since both firms are Focus Financial Partners affiliates, but it sure comes close. Article quotes Tiburon saying that the transaction could be the first of many consolidations of fee-based financial advisor (RIA) consolidators.

April 22, 2024 Financial Advisor Magazine

Gen X Needs Social Security Planning Now
Marketers and demographers call them the “Forgotten Generation.” Still, advisors do well to remember what Gen X presents: An opportunity to help individuals with a rising sum of investable assets and an urgent need for retirement planning. Article quotes Tiburon CEO Summit XLVI Keynote Presentation highlighting that about $50 trillion in Generation X investable assets will be in motion in the next twenty years, with Generation X also inheriting the largest share of the great wealth transfer.

April 18, 2024 RIA Intel

Three Pivotal Trends Impacting Growth
RIAs should focus on expanding client services, adopting a team-based approach, and meeting the needs of Gen X. Article quotes Tiburon saying that fee-based financial advisors (RIAs) continue to broaden the range of services they offer, encompassing tax, estate, insurance, lending, and cash management.

April 18, 2024 Financial Advisor IQ

B-D CEOs Ride Stock Performance to Pay Bumps
Many leaders of independent broker-dealers in 2023 saw pay bumps in line with their companies' stock performance, while bank-tied wealth managers largely reported declines in total compensation for their CEOs. Article quotes Tiburon saying that the independent channels continue to grow at faster rates than the bank-tied firms

April 8, 2024 Citywire RIA

RIA custodian Apex adds Chip Roame to board
Apex Fintech Solutions has appointed Tiburon Strategic Advisors founder Chip Roame to its board of directors. Article summarizes Tiburon managing partner's appointment to the board of Apex Fintech Solutions.

March 28, 2024 Citywire RIA

Rudy Adolf joins Rajini Kodialam's tech startup as co-CEO
The former CEO of RIA financier Focus Financial Partners is reuniting with Kodialam at her new venture, E-3 Tech. Article mentions Tiburon's semi-annual Tiburon CEO Summit beginning in Boston, MA on April 8-10, 2024.

March 25, 2024 Financial Advisor Magazine

Is Organic Growth Over In Wealth Management?
Today's wealth management business is not a growth stock. It's more like your grandmother's passbook savings account. Remove the effects of markets, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and our industry has only had a 3% to 4% growth rate for a long time. There's scant evidence to suggest a change in that pattern soon. Article quotes Tiburon saying that the wealth management industry's organic growth in 2022 was an anemic 2.4% and not to expect a turnaround story in 2023 data.

January 26, 2024 Financial Advisor IQ

RIAs Using Top-Dog Schwab More Likely to Switch, Add Custodians
20% of Schwab-affiliated advisors said they planned to change or add another custodial relationship within the next 18 months, according to a T3 and Inside Information Software survey. Article quotes Tiburon saying that the survey results are a typical outcome for larger firms, especially given The Charles Schwab Corporation's ongoing integration of TD Ameritrade accounts and financial advisors.

The extensive list of Tiburon quotes has required the use of multiple website pages. Please click on the links above to view older article summaries.

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