Tiburon Written Research & Webinars - Wealth & Investment Management Profiles Series

Tiburon's second research series is its popular wealth & investment management profiles series. Over 800 profiles are offered in this series, including profiles of wealth & investment management firms, retail banks, and insurance companies (and also including profiles of industry trade groups). Tiburon's wealth & investment management profiles series does not have a signature summary research topic, but rather each profile stands alone.

The content of this research is moderately similar to that of stock analysts reports but also focuses on the firms' histories, organizational structures, & strategies in addition to their financial results and stock prices (if applicable). Tiburon also profiles both public and private companies. These profiles may vary in depth & timeliness; Tiburon members will necessarily have more in-depth profiles than non-members.

Many Tiburon members periodically review their own firm profile (and they often find time to send in suggestions) and other Tiburon members review profiles of their key clients, vendors, & competitors. No information in these profiles is proprietary to any Tiburon member. Tiburon can present and discuss any of these profiles through its market seminars program by engaging a Tiburon partner for a day.

Wealth & Investment Management Profiles Series Profiles