Bonsai (DBA Bonsai Personal Pensions):

A New Firm Focused on Retirement Solutions

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Date Published: February 11, 2021
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 40 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 14 Slides

Bonsai (DBA Bonsai Personal Pensions) was founded by Robert DeChellis in 2019. The company is based in Boulder, CO. Bonsai (DBA Bonsai Personal Pensions) has seven employees. Bonsai (DBA Bonsai Personal Pensions) is led by its CEO Robert DeChellis. Bonsai (DBA Bonsai Personal Pensions) is a private company. Its web site can be found at

This research addresses the key historical phases of Bonsai (DBA Bonsai Personal Pensions), including:

  • Trademarks Phase
  • Middle Phase
  • Recent Phase
Its profile includes the key statistics of the company, including its number of employees, clients, accounts, net new accounts, assets under administration, new new assets under administration, revenues, & net profits.

Its profile includes detailed outlines of its core businesses, including:

  • Bonsai Exchange
  • My Bonsai
  • Bonsai Advisors

And its profile concludes with the highlights of its organizational structure & ownership.

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