College Planning & the College Savings Market:

Planning & Paying for College

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Date Published: March 1, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 202 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 1,100 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of college planning & the college savings market. This research summarizes a series of context setting factors, the history of college planning & the college savings market, the key products in the college savings market, and future predictions for college planning & the college savings market. This research is incorporated into Tiburon's broader research coverage of financial planning.

This research begins with a context setting chapter for college planning & the college savings market, including the low consumer confidence level, financial advisors' modest role today, and the evolving college planning situation, with a particular focus on the evolving college planning situation, including:

  • Number of College Students Declining
  • State Funding Shrinking
  • Tuition Rates Rising
  • Value of a College Education Being Questioned
  • College Admissions Processes Being Challenged
  • Leading Colleges Evolving
  • Financial Aid Becoming Increasingly Complicated
  • College Majors & Career Choices Evolving
  • Student Loan Defaults Rising
This research addresses the historical phases of college planning & the college savings market, including:

  • Haphazard Phase
  • Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts Phase
  • 529 College Savings Plans Introduction Phase
  • 529 College Savings Plans Maturation Phase
This research highlights the market's growth and leading college savings market managers.

This research defines several distinct products in the college savings market, including:

  • 529 College Savings Plans & State Pre-Paid Tuition Programs
  • Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts
  • Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) & Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) Custodial Accounts
  • Other Tax Deferred Accounts
  • Taxable Accounts
And this research makes several future predictions for consumer wealth occupation target markets, including:

  • Continuing Complicated Nature of Planning & Paying for College, Including the Re-Emergence of the Community College Option and the Emergence of Online Options
  • President Biden Proposal for College Debt Forgiveness & Even Broader Calls for College to be Free Likely to be Unsuccessful
  • Broadening Role for Financial Advisors in College Planning
  • Substantial Growth in the College Savings Market
  • Fastest Growth in 529 College Savings Plans (with Collapse of Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts into 529 College Savings Plans)

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