Fee-Based Financial Advisor (RIA) Mergers & Acquisitions:

Substantial Premiums Being Paid for Platform Firms

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: October 1, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 364 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 1,838 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of recent fee-based financial advisor (RIA) mergers & acquistions. While this topic has become quite popular throughout the fee-based financial advisor (RIA) market, little reliable and consistent market data exists because many transactions take place between related parties and/or acquirers do not disclose the terms of their transactions. As a result, Tiburon's primary objective is to summarize a common set of facts for all market participants. If your firm is for sale or if you are seeking to acquire a fee-based financial advisory (RIA) firm, this research should be a useful reference. This research topic is one in Tiburon's series of Financial Advisor Mergers & Acquisitions topics; other reports exist for independent reps, property & casualty insurance agents, life & health insurance agents, CPA firms, law firms, real estate agents, & mortgage brokers.

This research summarizes the market growth in fee-based financial advisor (RIA) mergers & acquisitions' variables & valuation metrics, highlights the leading fee-based financial advisor (RIA) acquistions, and highlights the leading fee-based financial advisor (RIA) acquirers.

And this research makes several future predictions for fee-based financial advisor (RIA) mergers & acquisitions, including:

  • Substantial Growth in Number of Fee-Based Financial Advisor (RIA) Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Fee-Based Financial Advisor (RIA) Valuations to Remain Elevated

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