Independent Advisors:

Independent Reps, Fee-Only Financial Advisors (RIAs), & Dually Registered Financial Advisors (RIAs)

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Date Published: June 12, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 468 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 1,506 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of independent advisors, including independent reps, fee-only financial advisors (RIAs), & dually registered financial advisors (RIAs), which are collectively the fastest growing financial advisory market & distribution channel. Data on these interrelated markets can be confusing for many reasons, including fee-based financial advisors' definition as a sub-set of registered investment advisors (RIAs), independent reps' overlap with insurance agents, and the overlap in dually registered financial advisors within the definition of independent advisors. This research summarizes the highlights of these underlying topics. This research is part of Tiburon's broader coverage of financial advisor channels.

This research starts with a context setting chapter, and then addresses the key historical phases of independent advisors, including:
  • Emergence Phase
  • Growth Phase
  • Maturization Phase
This research defines the core market segments of independent advisors, including:
  • Independent Reps (Traditional)
  • Dually Registered Financial Advisors (RIAs)
  • Fee-Only Financial Advisors (RIAs)

This research then defines the investment product utilization of independent advisors

And this research offers several future predictions for independent advisors, including:
  • Continued Substantial Financial Advisor Recruiting Market with Steady Flow of Break-Away Brokers Benefiting Independent Advisors
  • Continued Substantial Growth of Independent Advisors
  • Fee-Only Financial Advisors (RIAs) & Dually Registered Financial Advisors (RIAs) to Capture Over 100% of Net New Assets Under Management & Administration
  • Increasing Focus on Comprehensive Financial Planning and Growing Use of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs), & Alternative Investments
  • Moderate Additional Independent Advisors Venture Capital Investments, Primarily Focused in Robo Advisors & Hybrid Digital Advice Providers
  • Continued Consolidation of Independent Advisors (Including Substantial Growth in Private Equity Investments)
  • Largest Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs) to Build Nationwide Franchisees and Reach $1.0 Trillion of Assets Under Management by 2030
  • Medium-Term Potential for Independent Advisors Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
  • Modest Emergence of Independent Advisors Outside of the United States of America

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