Venture Capital:

Financing Start-Up Companies

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: October 3, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 437 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 2,552 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of venture capital, including angel financing & seed capital, early stage venture capital, and late stage venture capital. In the late 1990s, the venture capital market grew crazily. Start up companies with product concepts but often limited revenues raised significant funds. These monies came from venture capital funds. But in the early 2000s, the venture capital market fell apart with the dot com implosion. Today the venture capital market is booming again. This research is incorporated into Tiburon's broader coverage of private markets and its even broader coverage of alternative investments.

This research defines the distinct businesses within venture capital, including:

  • Angel Financing & Seed Capital
  • Early Stage Venture Capital
  • Late Stage Venture Capital
This research outlines the key fund raising markets for venture capital, including:

  • Global Institutional Markets
  • Non-United States Wealth Management Firms
  • United States Wealth Management Firms
This research outlines the key investing markets for venture capital, including:

  • Technology
  • Healthcare
  • Financial Services Industry & FinTech
  • Retail
  • Other Investment Categories
And this research makes several future predictions for venture capital, including:

  • Substantial Growth for Venture Capital
  • Fastest Growth in Later Stage Venture Capital & Increasing Number of Unicorns with Potential Capital Gains Tax Increase to Further Trend
  • Emergence of Wealth Management Firms as New Fund Raising Market
  • Continuing Dominance of Technology & Healthcare Investments
  • Rapidly Developing Secondary Market for Start-Up Employees' Holdings

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