Separately Managed Account (SMA) Programs:

Renewed Growth Due to Growing Popularity of Direct Indexing

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: March 19, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 105 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 643 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of separately managed account (SMA) programs. This research includes a history of separately managed account (SMA) programs, an analysis of the market growth and leading firms, and future predictions for the market. This research is part of Tiburon's broader coverage of managed account programs as well as its coverage of separately managed accounts (SMAs).

This research starts with a context setting chapter, and then addresses the key history phases of separately managed account (SMA) programs, including:

  • Unique Offer Phase
  • Mutual Fund Advisory Program Challenges Phase
  • Unified Managed Account (UMA) Program Replacement Phase
  • Direct Indexing Emergence Phase
This research addresses the market size and leaders in separately managed account (SMA) programs.

And this research makes several future predictions for separately managed account (SMA) programs, including:

  • Renewed Growth of Separately Managed Account (SMA) Programs Due to Growing Popularity of Direct Indexing
  • Moderate Growth for Separately Managed Account (SMA) Programs
  • Fastest Growth in Models Based Trading Method
  • Renewed Growth in Dual Contract Programs Due to Portability
  • Declining Fees for Separately Managed Account (SMA) Program Sponsors
  • Declining Fees for Manager Participants

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