Individual Securities (Capital Markets):

Rapid Evolution of the Business

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: September 11, 2023
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 71 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 581 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of individual securities (capital markets), including equity capital markets & fixed income capital markets. This research also addresses securities exchanges, specialists, market makers, electronic communication networks (ECNs), and the related technology & data service providers. Tiburon has other research topics that address investment banks, securities underwriting, mergers & acquisitions advice, institutional sales & trading, and high net worth brokerage.

This research addresses the key historical phases of individual securities (capital markets), including:

  • Early Phase
  • NASDAQ Emergence Phase
  • Off Market Phase
This research defines distinct markets segments of individual securities (capital markets), including:

  • Equity Capital Markets
    • Financial Futures
    • Stock Market & Individual Stock Options
    • Foreign Exchange & Currencies
  • Fixed Income Capital Markets
    • Structured Debt
This research outlines the key industry players within individual securities & capital markets, including:

  • Securities Exchanges
  • Specialists
  • Market Makers
  • Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs)
  • Technology & Data Service Providers
And this research makes several future predictions for individual securities & capital markets, including:

  • Impact of Switch to T+1 Settlement
  • Impact of the Switch to Decilimization
  • Emergence of After-Hours Electronic Trading
  • Directed Brokerage & Soft Dollar Practices Under Attack
  • Leveraging Portfolios through Securities Lending
  • Technology Leading to Cost Reductions in Trade Execution

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