Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs):
The Fastest Growing Financial Services Market & Distribution Channel
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Date Published: June 11, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 321 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 1,555 Slides
The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the fee-based financial advisors (RIAs) market, the fastest growing financial services market & distribution channel. This research provides a top down view of the market, including historical & projected numbers of fee-based financial advisors (RIAs), and their number of clients, accounts, assets under management, net flows, revenues, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, & amortization (EBITDA), & net profits. Some fee-based financial advisors are dually registered, hanging a brokerage license at a friendly independent broker/dealer while also maintaining their own RIA; those fee-based financial advisors are referred to as dually registered financial advisors in this research and are likewise addressed in Tiburon's independent reps research. This research is a part of Tiburon's broader coverage of independent advisors and its even broader coverage of financial advisor channels.
This research begins with a context setting chapter explaining the reasons that counting the number of fee-based financial advisors (RIAs) is difficult, including:
- Overlapping Federal & State Registration Processes
- Non-Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs) Included in Registered Investment Advisors (RIA) Definition
- Some Fee-Based Financial Advisor (RIA) Look Alikes Not Counted in Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Definition
- Dually Registered Financial Advisors Often Double Counted
- Use of Multiple Custodians Leading to Double Counting
The research presents the key methods of measuring the fee-based financial advisors (RIAs) market, including:
This research then addresses the key historical phases of fee-based financial advisors (RIAs), including:
- Formation Phase
- Expansion Phase
- Maturation Phase
The research highlights fee-based financial advisor (RIA) market growth and the leading firms.
This research defines distinct registration markets segments of fee-based financial advisors (RIAs), including:
- Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Registered Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs)
- State Registered Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs)
This research then defines distinct business model markets segments of fee-based financial advisors (RIAs), including:
- Fee-Only Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs)
- Dually Registered Financial Advisors (RIAs)
This research then defines the key service providers to fee-based financial advisors (RIAs), including:
- Custodians
- Open-End Mutual Fund Companies, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Companies, & Other Investment Product Companies
- Technology Companies & Turnkey Asset Management Programs (TAMPs)
And this research makes several future predictions for fee-based financial advisors (RIAs), including:
- Moderate Growth in the Number of Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs) & Substantial Growth in their Assets Under Management
- Continuing Dominance of Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Registered Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs)
- Continuing Dominance of Fee-Only Financial Advisors (RIAs)
- Emergence of Robo Advisors & Hybrid Digital Advice Providers
- Continuing Central Role of Fee-Based Financial Advisor (RIA) Custodians, Including those Beyond the Leaders
- Continuing Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs) Investment Product Usage Shift Away From Open-End Mutual Funds
- Moderate Additional Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs) Venture Capital Investments
- Continued Consolidation of Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs)
- Medium-Term Potential for Fee-Based Financial Advisors (RIAs) Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
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