Online Tools:

The Intersection of Technology & Self-Service

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: April 16, 2014
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 53 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 258 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with an initial understanding of the online tools market, including web-based technologies serving both consumers and/or financial advisors. This market is dynamic, as consumer-oriented and financial advisor-oriented products are being consolidated, and traditional software products are increasingly being moved to the web. This research also includes copies of the profiles of the firms included in Tiburon's related financial services industry technology and financial advisor technology research topics.

This research defines five distinct markets segments including:
    • Computer Hardware
    • Software
    • Web Services
    • Communication Equipment
    • Other Technology: Transcription Services, Voice Recognition Systems, Collaborative Technology, Paperless Office

And this research makes the following future predictions for the Online Tools industry, including: 

  • Growing Personal Computer, Internet & Broadband Access Usage
  • Blurring of Line Between Financial Advisor & Consumer Technology Solutions
  • Rising Online Financial Services Activity & Parallel Need for in Person Advice
  • Continued Tools Companies Consolidation
  • Online Tools Venture Capital Opportunities

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