Unified Managed Account (UMA) Programs:
The Modern Program Combining Various Investment Products
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Date Published: September 11, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 439 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 1,560 Slides
The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of unified managed account (UMA) programs, which are centralized programs which allow for the use of separately managed accounts, open-end mutual funds, and exchange traded funds (ETFs). This research includes an analysis of the market growth and leading firms. This research is part of Tiburon's broader coverage of managed account programs and its even broader coverage of financial products & services.
This research addresses the market size and leaders in unified managed account (UMA) programs.
And this research makes several future predictions for unified managed account (UMA) programs, including:
- Continuing Early Use Primarily for Unique Customization Needs
- Moderate Growth for Unified Managed Account (UMA) Programs
- Ultimately to Become the De Facto Platform for All Managed Account Programs
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