Structured Products:

Protected Defined Outcome Investments

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: September 13, 2023
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 87 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 220 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of structured products, which are protected or defined outcome investments designed to provide downside protection along with upside market participation. This research addresses the history, market growth, leaders, markets & distribution channels, and future predictions for structured products. This research is part of Tiburon's broader coverage of capital markets research.

This research addresses the key historical phases of structured products, including:

  • Emergence Phase
  • Middle Phase
  • Growth Phase
This research defines several sub-product markets of structured products, including:

  • Structured Notes
  • Structured Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • Structured Annuities
This research outlines the key markets & distribution channels for structured products, including:

  • Institutional Markets
  • International Markets
  • Financial Advisor Channels
And this research makes several future predictions for structured products, including:

  • Substantial Growth in Structured Products
  • Fastest Growth in Structured Notes
  • Fastest Growth in Financial Advisor Channels

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