Retail Bank Stumbles:

Recurring Stumbles, Including Robo-Signing & Unlawful Credit Card Late Fees

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Date Published: March 19, 2020
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 57 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 925 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with an initial understanding of retail bank stumbles and their impact on the financial services industry, various products & services, various markets & distribution channels, and specific financial services firms. This research addresses prominent retail bank stumbles such as the Swiss banks helping Americans avoid taxes scandal, the toxic mortgages sold to Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac scandal, the robo-signing scandal, the sanctioned countries scandal, & the race biased lending scandal.

Retail bank stumbles can be grouped into four phases, including:
  • Insurance Industry Stumbles Phase
  • Insider Trading Phase
  • Mutual Funds Industry Stumbles Phase
  • Ponzi Schemes Phase

Retail bank stumbles can be defined to include dozens of stumbles, including:

  • Swiss Banks Helping Americans Avoid Taxes
  • Toxic Mortgages Sold to Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
  • Fannie Mae Settlement 2012
  • Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
  • Countrywide Financial
  • Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
  • Bank of America Acquisition of Merrill Lynch
  • Robo-Signing
  • Credit Card Botched Documents
  • Sanctioned Countries
  • Race Biased Lending
  • American Express Unlawful Credit Card Late Fees
  • Barclays Unnecessary Payment Protection Insurance

This research supports three conclusions for retail bank stumbles, including:

  • The Continuation of Sub-Standard Industry Ethics
  • Hedge Funds, Investment Banks, Retail Banks, & Insurance Companies Continue to be the Most Frequent Repeat Offenders
  • Limited Historical Regulator Enforcement Success with the Emergence of Rock Star Enforcers

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