Single-Family Offices:
The Single-Family Offices Market
Recently Released!!!
Date Published: August 23, 2023
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 72 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 323 Slides
The purpose of this research is to provider readers with a comprehensive understanding of single-family offices. Tiburon offers separate research topics addressing the multi-family offices, fee-based financial advisors (RIAs), & private banks markets. This research is part of Tiburon's broader coverage of family offices and its even broader coverage of financial advisors channels.
This research addresses the historical phases of single-family offices, including:
- Old Money Phase
- Business Maturation Phase
- New Money Phase
This research defines several types of single-family offices, including:
- Comprehensive Financial Services Offices
- Strategic Investment Offices
- Trustee or Compliance Offices
- Family Philanthropy Offices
And this research makes several future predictions for single-family offices, including:
- Moderate Growth for Single-Family Offices
- Broadening of Services
- Ongoing Search for Technology Solutions
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