Hedge Funds:

The Continuing Emergence of Activists & Quantitative Strategies

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: April 23, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 137 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 1,077 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of hedge funds, an industry which continues to grow rapidly despite relatively poor overall absolute & relative investment returns. This research analyzes hedge funds data investment strategy and offers a series of future predictions for hedge funds. This research is incorporated into Tiburon's research on alternative investments and its even broader coverage of investable assets.

This research begins with a context setting for hedge funds, including:
  • Growth in Popularity
  • Reasons Gained Popularity
  • Reasons Being Challenged
This research addresses the key historical phases of hedge funds, including:
  • Emergence Phase
  • Strategy Diversification Phase
  • Rapid Growth Phase
  • Retrenchment Phase
This research summarizes the market growth and highlights the leading hedge fund managers.

This research defines key investment strategy market segments within hedge funds, including:
  • Equity Hedge Fund Strategies
  • Arbitrage or Relative Value Hedge Fund Strategies
  • Event Driven Hedge Fund Strategies
  • Global Macro Hedge Fund Strategies
  • Hedge Funds-of-Funds
This research defines key markets & distribution channels for hedge funds, including:
  • High Net Worth Consumers
    • United States High Net Worth Consumers
    • Non-United States High Net Worth Consumers
  • Institutional Markets
    • Endowments & Foundations
    • Defined Benefit Plans & Defined Contribution Plans
And this research makes several future predictions for hedge funds, including:
  • Continuing Hedge Fund Activists Headlines
  • Moderate Market Growth for Hedge Funds
  • Fastest Growth for Equity Hedge Funds with Hedge Funds-of-Funds Continuing to Struggle
  • Continuing Rapid Growth of Quantitative Strategies
  • Institutional Markets to Continue to be Dominant Fund Raising Market
  • Industry Maturization & Concentration of Net Flows
  • Declining Fees for Hedge Funds
  • Consolidation of the Hedge Funds Business

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