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Date Published: March 13, 2020
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 36 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 634 Slides
The purpose of this research is to provide readers with an understanding of the specific business practices of independent reps, a booming market of over 90,000 series seven registered reps who own their own businesses and utilize independent broker/dealers such as LPL Financial, Raymond James, Royal Alliance, Cetera Financial Group, Securities America, & Commonwealth Financial Network. Information on this market has been scarce and vendors continue to struggle with how to offer value-added services. What products & services do independent reps use? What broker/dealers and technology do they use? How do they market to their clients? What are their profit margins? This research provides an in-depth look at how independent reps manage their businesses and identifies key opportunities for vendors seeking to serve this market. A parallel research topic published by Tiburon addresses this market in a top down way, outlining the size of the independent rep market. This research goes a step further and specifically utilizes detailed survey data from Tiburon's 35 question independent rep benchmarking survey at www.IndependentRepBestPractices.Com to identify the product usage, business models, & best practices of leading independent reps.
This research addresses six areas of independent rep business practices, including:
- Business Background & Industry Position
- Clients & Marketing Strategies
- Investment & Insurance Products Used
- Back Office Processes & Technology Use
- Business Economics
- Business Policies & Industry Views
This research supports five best practices for independent reps, including:
- Determine Clear Target Markets
- Choose Product & Service Offers to Support Chosen Target Markets
- Develop Appropriate Marketing Methodologies
- Build the Necessary Support Infrastructure
- Define Business Goals & Develop Written Plans
And this research concludes with vendor feedback & tips for better serving independent reps:
- Independent Broker/Dealer Satisfaction Ratings
- Mutual Fund Company Satisfaction Ratings
- Other Vendor Satisfaction Ratings
- Strategic Value Added Opportunities