Global Institutional Channels:

Opportunities in Retirement Plans, Endowments & Foundations, & Other Institutional Channels

Recently Released!!!
Date Published: June 26, 2024
Summary PowerPoint Deck: 330 Slides
Reference PowerPoint Deck: 1,562 Slides

The purpose of this research is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the global institutional channels, including retirement plans (defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans), sovereign wealth funds & foreign central banks, corporate cash & treasury services, sub-advisory businesses, insurance company reserves, and endowments & foundations. This market along with the United States and International (Non-United States) consumer wealth markets make up the global wealth & investment management market.

This research outlines the history of the institutional markets, including:
  • Defined Benefit Plans Introduction Phase
  • Defined Benefit Plans Growth Phase
  • Defined Contribution Plans Growth Phase
  • Baby Boomer Rollovers Phase

The research defines distinct markets of the institutional markets, including:

  • Retirement Plans
    • United States of America Retirement Plans
      • Defined Contribution Plans
      • Defined Benefit Plans
    • International (Non-United States) Retirement Plans
  • Sovereign Wealth Funds & Foreign Central Banks
  • Corporate Cash & Treasury Services
  • Sub-Advisory Business
  • Insurance Company Reserves
  • Endowments & Foundations

This research addresses the investment product usage within the institutional markets.

And the research makes several predictions for the future of institutional markets, including:

  • Moderate Growth of the Institutional Markets, with Retirement Plans Continuing to Dominate Assets Under Management
  • Fastest Growth in Sovereign Wealth Funds, Corporate Cash, & Foundations
  • Emergence of Additional Institutional Markets, Including Healthcare Organizations, Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts, & Sovereign Funds (Native American Tribes)
  • Continual Shift Towards Investing Greater Share of Assets Under Management in Passive Strategies and Alternative Investments, Especially Private Markets (Venture Capital, Private Equity, & Private Credit)
  • Continued Decline in Institutional Markets Management Fees & Growing Institutional Markets Market Share Concentration
  • Emergence of Sustainable Investing (ESG), Especially in the International (Non-United States) Markets

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